As part of the Literacy learning process, Mrs She's children over many years wrote stories and then drew pictures to illustrate their stories. This story writing was integrated with childrens' Inquiries. Children also recorded their stories in movies so that they could share them with the world. We are proud of this work.
I enjoyed listening to your story about your swimming. I guess you will be stopping swimming soon because it is starting to get cold. It sounds like you are very confident in the pool. Keep up the lovely writing Mrs Burt
Layquitah, I enjoyed your swimming story very much. You did an excellent job of speaking loudly for the podcast. I will show this to my students as a good example of clear speaking. We would love for your class to add our blog to your Blog List. We are going to add your blog to our list too because I want my students to visit back and see all the great things you are learning.
You can also learn a lot about us by visiting our Class Website at
A page that you will totally love is our Holiday Heyday page
We would love to be blog buddies and post podcasts back and forth to each other. Please have your teacher email me.
Hi Layquitah you did a very good job writing your story and also reading it. You rock at reading that story and you are a very good reader and writer, also that was AWESOME!!!
Kia ora Layquitah
I enjoyed listening to your story about your swimming. I guess you will be stopping swimming soon because it is starting to get cold. It sounds like you are very confident in the pool.
Keep up the lovely writing
Mrs Burt
Excellent job, Layquitah! I think you did an excellent job reading your story.
Mr. C
Hi Layquitah
When you were blowing bubbles, was it cool? Why did you have to put your head under the water? I love swimming too?
Kingston L
Room 12
Hi Layquitah
I thought that you did a very good job reading out your story. It was nice and clear and easy to listen to. I am glad to hear that you enjoy swimming.
Mrs Lagitupu
Layquitah, I enjoyed your swimming story very much. You did an excellent job of speaking loudly for the podcast. I will show this to my students as a good example of clear speaking. We would love for your class to add our blog to your Blog List.
We are going to add your blog to our list too because I want my students to visit back and see all the great things you are learning.
You can also learn a lot about us by visiting our Class Website at
A page that you will totally love is our Holiday Heyday page
We would love to be blog buddies and post podcasts back and forth to each other. Please have your teacher email me.
You did a good job writing the swimming story, it was a very good story. We enjoy swimming stories a lot.
We like your story because it is very
interesting,and it was nice.
Hi Layquitah you did a very good job writing your story and also reading it. You rock at reading that story and you are a very good reader and writer, also that was AWESOME!!!
We think you did a very good job at reading your story.Keep up the good work.
Hi you did a good job Abby!!!! I enjoyed your story and you did a great job too. Keep it up.
we thought you're story was very did a good job reading it. you did an excellent encourage people to want to read.
I liked your story because it was awesome and you did a good job reading it.
We really enjoyed your story a lot.It was very interesting about you going swimming.It sounded like you had so much fun.
Great job Layquitah!!!!!!! I hope you are successful in what you wantto do.
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