Friday, April 29, 2011

" Daddy Rooster has prickly feathers! " said Cruz!

Cruz likes the rooster that she saw at Ambury Farm.  "Daddy Rooster" is the name of the rooster given by the class.  Listen carefully to what Cruz has to say in this video.  This video was filmed during our class time when we were doing our topic studies!

Cruz 's Rooster story from Jenny She on Vimeo.


Mrs She said...

Hi Cruz,

You spoke very clearly and I like the way you described Daddy Rooster!
Thank you for your hard work!

Mrs She.

Mrs Soltau-Heller's Class said...

It sounds like you had a bit of an adventure on your field trip. You helped us to image what Daddy Rooster looked like with your words Cruz. We have eggs in our classroom and we are not sure if they will be roosters or hens. Check them out here