Saturday, September 27, 2008

Our Voice Thread's Learning Intentions :

Room 5 had fun learning about the Beijing Olympics.
We wrote Champion sentences and recorded them in
the Voice Thread as shown above.

Our Learning Intentions:

I am learning to speak clearly.
I am learning to speak at an appropriate volume.
I am learning to speak at the right time.
I am learning to stay on the topic.
I follow my teacher's instructions when I am recording my voice.
I will reflect on my performance.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cezar likes Running.

What do you do to exercise ? Listen to cezar's
story to find out why he is happy about going
for a run.

Sister Marie is Lovely

Have you heard of ' The Sisters of Mercy ' ? They are good friends of
the Glen Innes community. Listen to Marama's story and find out
why she likes Sister Marie of ' The Sister of Mercy '.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Things that You Can Do on a Sunny Day !

What do you do to pass time on a sunny day ?
Mikaiah has a few suggestions for the children
in Room 5. See if you like his ideas by listening
to his story.

Apii's Favourite Champions: The Twins, Gold Medalists for New Zealand.

Who is your favourite New Zealand Champion ?
Listen to Apii's story and find out why she likes
the twins: the Rowing Champions and Gold Medalists
of Beijing Olympics.

Nikta's Healthy Lunch

Do you know what a healthy lunch is ?
Listen to Nikita's story to find out !

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Room 5 have got more Champion Pictures !

Room 5 love the Olympics so much that they continue to create more pictures for you to enjoy. Weight lifting , Rowing and 100m sprint are their favourtie ones. This video clip is made using the pictures drawn using 'Kid Pix' programme.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Room 5's Paper Spinner movie

In Term 2, Room 5 were learning about things that can fly. We were trying to find out how and why things fly. For this we looked at man made things like helicopters, planes, hot air balloons as well as living creatures like butterflies and bees. For experiment, we made paper spinners to show the importance of gravity in the journey of flight. This movie shows how we made the paper spinners and how we had fun with them. The children's pictures are also included in it. We hope you like our movie.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mrs. She and Room 5's first blog

Hi ! This is Mrs. She and I am the teacher of Room 5 in Pt. England School. Room 5 is a class of Year one children. A lot of Room 5's work are posted on Flickr, Animotos,as well as Teachers' Tube and we like to share what we have been learning and creating.
The following video has been made using the pictures that the children in Room 5 have created. They drew pictures of the Olympics in Beijing. They drew these pictures using the Kid Pix programme using the classroom computers.