Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Te-Manea Explains to us Why She wears a hat!

The students of Class 18 are learning to write explanation story.  Here is Te-Manea's story of why she wears a hat.

Temanea's Hat's Story! from Jenny She on Vimeo.


Jessica Garris said...

Hi Te-Manea! I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama, in the United States. You have some really good reasons to wear a hat! When it gets really hot here, I like to wear a hat to keep cool. Hats are also great to keep the sun out of your eyes. I'm sure you look very pretty in your hat!

Unknown said...

Hi Te-manea . I really enjoy watching your videos. I'm so happy to see how well you are improving in your reading. Keep up the good work and I'm sure you lookpretty wearing your hat.